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Blog Purpose

I am an ordinary woman living in this natural world serving a supernatural God.

I write on spiritual topics because God is my passion. My writing began later in life because I felt called to it upon early retirement. Working full-time keeps a person very busy. I sensed an urgency to communicate what I heard the Holy Spirit saying and to share some of the wisdom I’ve gained from walking with my Lord since 1979.

It is my desire that what you read here causes hope to arise within your soul and makes spiritual darkness tremble. Bad people doing very bad acts have become increasingly prevalent in society, allowing darkness to increase. But God has a weapon. We are that weapon! Christians are light in the darkness. We are His kingdom in this earth. 

My tagline, biblical words inspiring hope and making the darkness tremble was selected because many in our time are hopeless. The pressures of life, prolonged physical and emotional pain, testing and tragedy can all erode hope.

My hope comes from God.hope 1 image

Maybe you never had hope in God at all, because God is not real to you. I get that.

My hope (pun intended) is for readers to experience God in these pages. And that hope will follow. Big dream, certainly. But once you encounter Jesus, in all His gentleness, kindness, strength, passion and power, no person or tragedy can ever dissuade you of His existence. Once you meet Him, you’ll encounter His love. Once you taste and feel His love, nothing is ever the same.

I believe that Christians are the warrior Bride of Christ alive in the earth today, for the purpose of influencing the earth with the goodness of God in order to advance His earthly Kingdom. Jesus Christ intended the “good news” to be made available to all mankind and for His manifested Presence to continue to destroy the works of the enemy long after He left earth. That occurs through us, His followers. I live each day knowing of my divine mandate to set captives free and tear down the devil’s kingdom, one person at a time, through my loving actions, spoken or written words and my prayers.

My prayer is that my writing encourages you in your walk with the Lord Jesus. We are fellow sojourners walking alongside one another. 

Because I adore Song of Solomon, I have determined that my dove eyes will always remain fixed on beholding Jesus’s beautiful face, eye to eye, intentionally gazing in awe while leaning in to hear His voice (SOS 1:15).

I write as I feel impressed by the Holy Spirit. I pray before I write, so that I communicate inspired words in the hope my readers feel God’s love flowing through me. I try not to write whatever thoughts come into my head or write under pressure of keeping readership stats high; the world is far too full of man’s thoughts. Being human, I may disappoint a pharisee or two. I pray the words you read here will cause you to think about God in a fresh way. I’d rather write fewer pieces that provoke us both to holiness, than many words that only serve to promote me. It is godly inspiration that we need, not more fleshly ideas, right?

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