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Pure Heart Media Professional Svcs

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You’ve finished writing your book.

Now what? 

Before you email that query letter to a traditional publisher or upload that baby onto a self-publishing website, have it professionally edited.

Pure Heart Media offers professional editing of your manuscript. We offer an objective set of eyes to tell you if your fiction storyline is clear or confusing or if events in nonfiction are chronologically coherent. Editing points out things an author missed. Line editing focuses on grammar, syntax, consistency and run-on sentences. 

What is your editing experience, Kathryne? I’ve edited a dozen books since launching the professional editing branch of Pure Heart Media in 2019. I hold a Master of Arts degree supplemented by thirty-years composing business materials. I’ve caught a missing comma or two. As a highly trained, experienced wordsmith it is important that the author’s original message or theme is preserved. My goal is not to change the book, but to improve its structure, accuracy, and readability. Let’s ask some clients.

“I’m very thankful I had Kate as an editor for my novel. She provided honest opinions and carefully reviewed my grammar and correct usage of appropriate words. I most definitely recommend her.”  Kathleen Lathem, author Micha’s Remnant.

“I love Kathryne’s edits to my book. They were super awesome! She finished my 300-page non-fiction manuscript in two weeks and her prices are reasonable. I highly recommend her services.”  Clara Daily, author More Than I Asked For: My Miraculous  Story of Overcoming.

Some other books I’ve professionally edited: 

God’s Peace, God’s Way to Overcoming Challenges  by Donna Colissimo Bass

Cecily’s Hope: A Story of Faith, Hope, and a Courageous Cancer Battle by Regina Raymond

The Testimony I Never Wanted: Overcoming Shame and Finding Purpose by Amy Helm Blackwell

Lion in My Garden: Devotional Activity Journal by Kathryne Leach

Editing Fees: All Manuscripts must be written in Word format as I use Track Changes to edit.

While each project is unique, my standard fee is $20 per hour. For example, a 45,000-word manuscript can usually be completed within two to three weeks max (often sooner), requires 20 hours, and runs $400.00. My specialty is editing Christian nonfiction, but I gladly accept novels. Further questions can be addressed using the contact form on my Disclaimer and Contact page. I look forward to working with you to present your manuscript in all excellence! 

Christ Statue
Your MS after editing
Your manuscript before professional editing