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What God Looks Like

So what does God look like? 

A wrinkled old man with an angry, wizened face holding thunderbolts?

Is Jesus a bearded white guy with a sappy, kind of weak smile? 

I don’t know, no one does. Neither are my images of them, but I’ve heard them described both ways. However, I heard a sentence this week that stuck with me. It resonated truth. 

“You carry an illustration of God that no one else carries, so go express Him  through your love.” 

You carry an illustration meme

Wow! I love this so much! 

Theresa playing fluteSo I reached out to artist, musician and all-around creative woman extraordinaire Theresa Griffith of California for permission to create this meme using her original artwork and the quote. She agreed and here it is! 

Theresa perfume bottlesIf you have not visited her website Someone Believes In You, please do so. She specializes in soothing music using several flute types, beautiful art, jewelry, therapeutic massage, aromatherapy and her newest addition of perfumes in glass bottles that are works of art. 

You can also find her on Facebook Theresa Griffith.

Thank you, Theresa for use of your incredibly powerful eagle image! 

Categories: Art creativity encouragement Knowing God Memes Motivation


Christian author and inspirational speaker of truth that makes the darkness tremble. Author of two non-fiction books at

8 replies

  1. Beautiful post and picture and wow those bottles. Sorry haven’t been on here in a while need to go back and read acouple of your post from a month or so. One was a 3 part post and need to read the 3 one. Thank you for always sharing the truth of our Father!!


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