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Hurricane Recovery: Why Rush Back to Normal?

Back to Normal memeThanks to our connected world, everyone knows the destruction that Hurricane Irma brought to my state of Florida. The images are heartbreaking but we are a resilient people who will recover.

My family is blessed. We are safe. We did not evacuate, but shuttered in and hunkered down with all the recommended hurricane supplies. The stress for all of was high – preparation lists of provisions to purchase, shutters to put up, outdoor furniture and plants to move inside. Long lines in stores, heavy traffic and impatient people are the norm during and after storms.

But for the Christian, this was our time to shine … to be salt and light. Neighbors helped one another cut trees and install heavy shutters in my area. There are more opportunities to help, plenty of them.

The recovery is just beginning, actually. As I type this, we are one day post storm, our central FL yard is full of leave debris and pool screens blow in the breeze, a few million residents have not yet come back to inspect their homes and the devastated FL Keys is still not allowing residents back to their homes. Parts of Overseas Hwy disintegrated, sand blocks other sections and water has been out since the Sunday storm tore through.

But as I sat in the dark at 5:00 am drinking coffee and talking to God, thanking HIm for all the many ways He protected my family, friends and neighbors – something occurred to me. Hurricanes force people to rely on survival skills. The modern conveniences of electricity, indoor plumbing and water get interrupted. We have to live like pioneers for a while. We complain about the extra work and hassle, but there is beauty there.

Beauty in a simpler way of life. We just have to take time to notice.

Alien catThe cats  were fascinated by a battery operated camping lantern that illuminated the kitchen, their bodies casting eerie shadows on the wall of an adjoining room.  It made me smile and conjure ghost stories. Perfect atmosphere for spooky tales.

Families talked because there was no television to divert their attention. Books were read (remember those?). Board games surfaced. We listened to the radio in bed, monitoring the storm after the power died. It was fun singing together. A cherished moment. One of my friends had anxious symptoms due to the lack of internet. I kid you not. As a society, we are seriously addicted to digital media. Being cut off can induce stress, if we allow it to.

Today I am grateful to my heavenly Father who daily loads me with benefits.

Daily. Loads. One version reads … daily carries us along.

Praise the Lord, who carries our burdens day after day, He is the God who saves us (Psalm 68:19 GNT). 

I leave you today with a simple thought: why rush back to normal routines? 

Are there parts of the simple life we can incorporate into our 21st century routines? How about less screen time and more face to face? I’m giving this serious consideration this week. It definitely will not be indoor plumbing – no outhouse for me! And not my electricity, either. But the phone games, they’re on the short list.

How about you? Any simpler life suggestions?

Love you, stay safe!



Categories: Devotionals FL Keys Hurricanes Protection Tests & Trials

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Christian author and inspirational speaker of truth that makes the darkness tremble. Author of two non-fiction books at

9 replies

  1. So glad you and your family are safe! My sister is in Tampa, and they are safe as well. Praying for those in recovery and without basic essentials. I remember losing power after a snow storm…..we cooked on the wood stove top, and just enjoyed each other and the simpler things in life….it is a nice memory:) I would not want to be without electricity for long, that’s for sure, but there is something to be said for a simpler lifestyle. It also taught me that coffee is so much better with a French Press!!!:)


    1. Thank you, Jen. Yes, they need our prayers: for grace to bear the heat, for wisdom to not drink contaminated water & safety from roaming gators. Seriously, one was photographed crossing a major street in downtown Melbourne today. Crazy! One thing I’m adding to my prep list is either a french press or a glass drip one you can pour hot water in. We are expert water boilers using our camping stove now! LOL

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Totally agree about keeping it a bit more simple. Lots of chocolate, coffee or cocoa, and hours of visiting face to face. Some of the best family stories came out of quiet times with my parents and their siblings. Now, if we would only take the time to share these stories with my children and grandchildren…Thankful you are safe and inspired by your positive attitude and focus on God’s goodness during this trying time.


  3. Hi Kate I enjoyed your blog it is so true how we get caught up in so many things and forget the simple things that can and will bring joy to our lives. Like spending time with family and friends with out distraction of media or other things. I for the first time did not have to prepare for a hurricane but felt like I was it was weird worrying about my family and friends drove me crazy that I could not be closer. So in the mist of my feeling sorry for myself lol God turned my attention to prayer for my fellow man I could feel the pain of so many worried for there families and homes it had me in tears. Then to see the faith of so many to move mountains thru there faith in God brought me to tears. If people would only look to there God for help wow what a world we would have. A while back my nephew Jordan LaRocca surprised me with a special gift of a old fashion coffee pot from Paula Deane I love it and it makes the best coffee. My husband and I when we have the time go down to the water to fish and bring our camping stove and make coffee for the homeless that hang out down there to smell that coffee brings back a host of memories of simpler times when my Grandmothers where alive. Oh well I’ve raddle on enough thank you for sharing and I’m still praying for you all.


    1. Many, many need your prayers, Cam. For grace to bear the heat w/out A/C; for inner strength to continue to clean up when weary; for sleep for fatigued bodies; for all the frontline workers: LEO, fire, EMS and medical personnel, linemen, city and county water workers, etc. And of course, pray that hearts would be softened to be open to God and to see Him through His people at work.
      I love that you two share coffee w/the homeless. Sounds small but any gift given in love is multiplied.
      Thanks for sharing your rambling, middle of the night thoughts, LOL. Love them and you!


  4. I agree with your statements about living a simpler, less technologically dependent lifestyle. But I really need my A/C and running water, and I really get agitated after a couple of days without it!

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